I'm reminded by a lot of things lately.
Things like when TV stations used to go off around midnight. When gas stations actually had attendants that filled your tank for you. That checking the temperature outside your car was accomplished by putting your hand on windshield.
I don't want to sound all old and archaic or anything, and I'm sure not going to insist that the way things used to be was the only way they should be. No, that's nonsense. I mean back then I did not have an iPhone, a laptop, a TV that plays movies off of a disk, etc. Back then was cool, but today is better you'd have to agree.
No, what I'm remembering and lamenting is passion, eager faith, a willingness to go anywhere and do anything. You know that feeling when your life was less full of stuff that holds you back and keeps you tethered to the comfortable? Why is it that when I was single and didn't have bills that I would have dropped everything and moved overseas? However now it would be much harder. Is it simply because I have more kids now (alright, a lot more). Is it simply because I'm responsible for more? Because I have more roots? Or maybe, just maybe... I'm doing the thing I vowed never to do... get comfortable.
So I'm moving overseas!
No, I'm kidding. Truth is, I do have a family now (a large one). I have a lot of bills and responsibilities, and all that junk. Is it possible to still live out the passion I first had in the life I have now? Possible... I don't know. Worth the attempt?... you better believe it!
C.S. Lewis, God In The Dock
don't most Missionaries have something like SIX kids?
I'm not sure Debra. This wasn't really a post about me being an overseas missionary. I guess I should have clarified that. It's just that since I was a baby believer I've always sensed that people view those who travel across sea as super spiritual. Almost like the pinnacle of faithfulness. I guess I just found myself guilty of doing the same thing.
While I don't feel called to go overseas I do feel called to live just as passionately and recklessly as those who would forsake the comforts afforded to them by our culture in exchange for something greater.
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