Gen 4:7 - Strikingly similar to the woman’s curse in Gen 3:16. Her desire will be to have her husband’s role but he will (shall) rule over her. Here Sin is shown to have the desire to rule over us but Cain is called to rule over it.

Gen 4:26 - At this time in history people began to call upon the name of Yahweh publicly.

Gen 7:2 - Two by two... not so much. Try two by seven.

Gen 8:20 - How would you like to have been those birds? Rescued from the flood, caged up in the arc for weeks, and then once the sun is shining and all things look promising these birds get toasted.

Gen 8:21 - Truth: Bar-B-Q has always smelled good. (Yes, this is a little sacrilegious).

Job 5:17 - Great verse for me. Good verse for Job too!

Job 8:19 - Far too many people think like this. “Save all the Christians and let the lost go to Hell.”

Job 31:12 - Adultery is a fire that burns the whole house down. Recovery is difficult at best.

Job 32:8 - Old age does not equal wisdom. God’s Spirit in you equals wisdom!

Job 38:31 - I think it is cool that God uses the terms for two constellations (Pleiades or the Seven Sisters & Orion) both of which I assume were named by humans. Maybe not, I’m no astronomer. Yet leave it up to God to use our language to express His glory.

