Recently I was challenged to read the Bible in its entirety before the end of the year. That left me with 139 days. I decided to read it Chronologically (or rather historically by date). Each week as I’m reading I will bookmark some verses that I think are worth sharing.
Gen 12:17 - God is serious about marriage people.
Gen 17:17 - I think God waited on purpose for them to get past (way past) child bearing age.
Gen 20:12 - I used to think Abraham was being a punk calling Sarah his sister. However, she technically was his sister.
Gen 22:8 - God indeed did provide for himself a lamb in Jesus Christ several years later.
Gen 22:13 - This reminds me of Jesus’ self-sacrifice and the wearing of the crown of thorns.
Gen 26:7 - Apparently this pattern was a ‘learned behavior’ from his father Abraham (see Gen 20:12).
Gen 34:25 - I don’t know whether to say “Ouch!”, “Oh man that’s wrong”, or “Thanks for the great daughter-dating idea!”
Gen 39:5 - I should pray that the blessing of the Lord be on all that I have, in house and field. I really should.
Gen 42:21 - Imagine living life like this. Always looking over your shoulder waiting for God to pay you back, to get you! Oh wait, so many people still live this way.
Gen 49:10 - The scepter did not depart from Judah’s line. Christ came!
Gen 50:15 - These guys are still living with baggage from the past. Pity.
Ex 1:8 - We are all just one ‘king’ away from a generation who does not know God or His blessings.
Ex 2:22 - I guess Moses having kids escaped me. They really don’t get much of a spotlight while he is alive (see also 4:20).
Ex 3:13 - Reminds me of the line in C.S. Lewis’ Prince Caspian where Aslan tells Lucy to have the others follow her. “What if they don’t believe me?” Lucy says. “It doesn’t matter” Aslan responds.
Ex 6:9 - Everyone has a breaking point. The children of Israel had been broke after hundreds of years of slavery.
Ex 7:11 - Does this freak anyone else out but me? I mean the magicians we able to duplicate these miracles? Seriously spooky. Why would they want to duplicate these plagues? The plagues were a bad thing. Why add to it? (see also 7:22 & 8:7).
Ex 12:19 - It’s time to clean house literally. God was making (forcing) them to get physical when it comes to honoring and obeying Him. Interesting.
Ex 13:9 - Sounds very familiar to Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (see also 13:16).
Ex 20:17 - Not coveting a neighbor’s wife makes sense. It sounds like he’s saying you shall not desire to have your neighbor’s wife as your own wife. However, if you read the remaining examples of neighbor’s male servants, animals, etc. the context is not simply sexual. It is saying do not desire to have for your own anything that your neighbor has worked hard for or has been blessed with. Lust is an issue here but so is pride and greed.
Ex 21:17 - I think I’ll save this verse for my kids’ teenage years. Then plaster it all over the place.
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Husband to 1 wife, daddy to 4 kids, ravenous consumer of peanut butter.
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